स्वस्थ भारत मीडिया
कोविड-19 / COVID-19 मन की बात / Mind Matter

Big Effect of Corona virus situation on the youth and kids

Richa Singh,Chairperson, Global Social Connect

It is really an alarming situation for the kids and youth as for kids it’s not known till when the schools will be open and when the life will become normal for you

Well since the fall of 2019, world has been facing a pandemic in the form of  covid-19 but since we all have been facing this issue in all the sections of the society youth is considered to be most impatient and reckless one so since the outbreak of coronavirus was the most suitable precaution was to lock down ourselves and maintain social distancing which can be a problem for the youth as they are a lot more with energy and less filled with the virtue called patience. Covid-19 affect the youth a lot considering that the youth wants to step outdoor ,they are always in search of something which has come to a break and this break is killing them which is probably the reason why  20 to 35 years of age has 22% of the total amount of covid-19 patients in the world .
Their have been a lot more problems which have come up such as their studies have come to a hault and all of a sudden the youth is left with nothing to do. But during this hard time they must think about the society too and consider following their ambitions, maintaining the social distancing at the same time and amid the lockdown the time they have they should not forget and neglect the duties they have towards the society . They must put emphasis on learning new skills and learning online, researching about the opportunities that will be coming their way in the future .
From the beginning parents used to ask their kids to be away from mobile phones but this situation has forced them to give cell phone in the hands of their kids so that their studies do not get hamper and they do not lack behind.
It is really an alarming situation for the kids and youth as for kids it’s not known till when the schools will be open and when the life will become normal for you . Those who are searching jobs are facing very tough situation because this pandemic has created a mental lockdown on the youth and kids. Nothing is sure about their future.
I think we all together have to act patiently and wait to explore opportunities for kids and  maintain balance so that the situation does not get worsen.

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