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Hearing loss can be a big factor in dementia


Audiologists are setting a new standard for Better Hearing Care

Loud music through headphones would also be damaging to ear health

People don’t realize, but even just a little hearing loss can be a big factor in dementia as well as other issues from depression, paranoia, and if left untreated can lead to speech impediments

Ram Pravesh Kumar, Senior Audiologist

In India, it is estimated that just over 20% of the adult population has hearing loss and this number grows to 50% for those over 65 years of age. Hearing loss is a gradual thing and it can happen over several years and at first most people don’t notice that they are missing out certain sounds and words.

Know Your Audiologist

Audiologist enjoys helping with full range of hearing problems. Provides comprehensive approach to better hearing includes complete diagnostic services to determine the type and severity of hearing loss, balance disorders in adults and children, rehabilitation component includes the latest in digital hearing aid technology and assistive listening devices, along with educational seminars and individuals counseling. Audiologist typically offer the following services; complete hearing exams, fitting, adjustment, and maintenance of hearing aids, treatment for balance disorders and tinnitus (ringing in the ears), hearing, speech and language rehabilitation programs, etc. Basically  audiologist are specialize in rehabilitating of tinnitus,hyperacusis,misophonia,auditory processing disorders,cochlear implant use and /or hearing aid use.

Ear and Eyes balance the whole body

Our two organs help us to balance the whole body; Ear and Eyes. Hearing is your connection to love ones and the world. We have experience-treating clients from newborn to 109 years of old age.

Audiologist approach is very simple and advanced like other professionals. Recently, One patient was seen because he was having trouble sleeping, in a state of constant anxiety. He could tell by his facial expressions he was panicked, completed the routine questions of history issues, and he said no. It was asked if he was exposed to loud noises, he said no, and when professionals completed the hearing test, he had 70 percent hearing loss in both ears. His issue of hearing was cognitive and it should have been caught as a child. Somehow it never was, and in this patient’s mid-40s he learned how severely he was affected.

He was trial and fitted immediately with digital RIC hearing aids in both ears, and you could literally see the anxiety wash away. He had been reading lips his entire life and not even realizing it. He came back a week later sleeping well, anxiety lifted. It was a great feeling for both of us.

Hearing loss can be a big factor in dementia

People don’t realize, but even just a little hearing loss can be a big factor in dementia as well as other issues from depression, paranoia, and if left untreated can lead to speech impediments.

Some of my patients are enthusiasts of shooting sports, industrial employee, and professionally pilot expose to noise directly or indirectly.

There were a number of preventative behaviors residents could adopt to preserve there hearing.Many people did not realize the amount of noise it took to harm hearing.Sounds above 85 decibels can be damaging to your ears over a prolonged period of time and it’s advised to protect your ears if you ‘re constantly around this environment.

To give perspective, a food blender is around 88 decibels and most of the vehicles horns are more than 90 decibels. Loud music through headphones would also be damaging to ear health, Intervention helps to prevent problem much easier and we recommend active ear plugs, with those plugs people can hear normally, and detects the sounds normally and blocks the noise.

I’ve seen a number of children who seems to have normal hearing but then have trouble following instruction in a noisy classroom. These children can be misdiagnosed or just thought of as having poor behavior. Often these kids will have a form of auditory processing disorder and by working with the child, their parents and their teacher. We can have a significant impact on their learning and development.

I always encouraged adults to keep on top of their health with regular hearing tests, even if they hadn’t noticed any changes to their hearing.

Know Your Author: Ram Pravesh Kumar is a Senior Audiologist and Speech-language Pathologist.He has completed Master of Science,Speech and Hearing from  India and clinical competence from WA,USA.He served 3 years as a lecturer at Mangalore, University and consulted Specialist at Wenlock Medical College. He has 12 years of working experience at Hospital and Nursing care in USA.

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