In this pandemic, with due precautionary measures crime Scene teams of FSL are functional, round the clock
New Delhi/ SBM
The Forensic Sciences Laboratory Delhi envisions a future in which lab continues to build and develop an recognized institution to deliver expeditious, quality and reliable forensic services to the police and other stakeholders of Law-enforcement services to bring the hidden traces of crime into evidential stage.
Being the part of criminal trail& justice delivery system it is the duty of the Laboratory to maintain the essential services and extend the forensic support to law enforcement agencies. Thus our crime scene teams are always in the field.
Today Ms. Deepa Verma, Director: FSL informed that “In this pandemic, with due precautionary measures crime Scene teams of FSL are functional, round the clock .For smooth functioning of the control room three officers/ officials were assigned to arrange the Forensic team and coordinate all related matters, accordingly Police were informed to contact to Sh. S K Singh, Dr. Rajnish Singh and Incharge of Crime Scene Management Division Sh. Sanjeev Kumar Gupta for requirement of Mobile Forensic Team. Presently we are extending our forensic assistance to Delhi Police 24×7 and our control room is functional round the clock.
“I would like to appreciate the dedication of our experts who attended a large volume of crime scenes and put their responsibility. Their professionalism and keeping up the great work they are doing is an example for others too. Today our Forensic team visited nine Crime Scene spots against nine FIR of theft and arson cases registered in police station Jafrabad.”
Ms. Verma, further stated that “we have to train ourselves to follow good hygiene practices. Washing & sanitization of hands , use of face mask, application of social distancing and overall cleanliness etc . These are the few measures will go a long way in this situation”
Incharge Crime Scene Management Sh. Sanjeev Gupta said, “Even in this crisis, we as an organisation focusing on early action, protection and prevention. We are concerned with our crime scene team and also closely monitoring use of these measures. He further informed that teams are using Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) while proceeding for examination on crime scene.”
Dr. Rajnish Singh, Asst. PRO said, “In the novel corona virus crisis, our experts are going in the field and because of their maximum exposure, they are more vulnerable to virus transmission, all these facts seriously bother us. Though our Forensic Experts are fully suited up in protective gears before proceeding for a crime scene and continuously being briefed about the preventions and precautions against pandemic, still their health safety and security is our prime concern.”